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    All types of sewing and craft

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    All leather and sheepskin sewing
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  1. Thank you both for your replies, I will definitely keep you both posted if I do manage to make anything I dare to show :-)
  2. They look great but unfortunately, I'm in western Australia and it looks like shipping would be too expensive but I'm grateful for your input because it's given me an idea of what to look for from an Australian supplier.
  3. My hubby's wallet has seen much better days but he only likes the really soft thin tri-fold wallets. I'm very new to leather making and I have no idea what sort of leather to use that would give me the same feel as something like his old wallet. The wallet is lined with fabric which makes it very slim but the leather is so thin and I can't seem to find examples of wallets made this way on here, can anyone help me with what sort of leather I need to make a similar copy of this wallet please and if you know of a template for a wallet just like this one that would be great Thank you:-)
  4. Thank you for your help, I will take a look and see if I can find somewhere local that sells them, I'm in Perth WA
  5. Thank you, I will see if I can find this size in Oz :-)
  6. Hello I've just tried to look at this wallet pattern and configurator tool but the link seems to have expired, does anyone know if there's a way to still access this please? Thank you
  7. Hi I wondered if anyone can tell me if there are pre-wound bobbins that can be used in a singer 111g155 and how do you fit these in the machine? Do you have to get a special metal bobbin that can be split open to hold the little pre-wound spools? Thank you
  8. Thanks Nate Unfortunately this is the dried out result of the damage I did :-( the damaged parts of the sofa looked like the oil stain on the back of the sofa before I did the cleaning, the black cracked pictures show the damage that I ended up with. The leather on the seats that has ended up black and cracked looked like the leather on the chair before I started so it wasn't worn when I started but I sure made a mess of things didn't I
  9. I tried to clean my sofa with mild soapy water! It went all gooey on the surface which I thought was dirt and grime so I tried to gently scrape the gunk off it while it was wet The sofa is over 20yrs old and I think it's an oiled pull-up Aniline but I've made such a mess of it now, is there any hope of rectifying this? I suppose I should be glad that I didn't start on the chair :-(
  10. I thought it wouldn't be stong enough, I know what you mean by embossed but what is glazing please?
  11. That bag is fantastic, I would like to try making something similar with my scraps
  12. Hello I am just starting out and have lots of leather scraps that I am hoping to use. I think it's embossed upholstery leather but I'm really not sure. I wanted to make my hubby a wallet but it feels soft and is very thin, if I used stiffener between a lining would this sort of leather hold up as a wallet or is it really only any good for covering upholstery with please? Thank you ☺️
  13. Hi I've just received this really helpful file originally written for the Navy from Cowboy and it mentions how to fix a problem with machines sewing backwards, I'm very new so not sure if this is helpful but take a look. The information on sewing machines starts on page 57 of the document https://leatherworker.net/forum/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=200736 I'm new to this and not sure if I've attached the document correctly, if not maybe Cowboy can jump in and help with this
  14. Thank you ☺️ I haven’t started buying templates yet as I’m just starting out with practicing on my industrial machine, ☺️
  15. Thank you for your help, I will give it a go ☺️ Thank you ☺️
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