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    Houston, TX

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    Industrial sewing machines and beginner technique
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  1. I know this thread is old, but it is the first or second hit on google when you search Houston and leather! Houston, Texas now has a burgeoning leather guild thanks to some hardworking, dedicated volunteers committed to community and leatherwork. It's about a year old, and growing and changing by the minute. All are welcome! We even have members as far away as Georgia and Louisiana. There's not a ton of info about the Houston Leather Guild on the web right now, but you can start by checking out our Facebook group for members (not to be confused with our info page). We have almost 50 active members and growing. In-person meetings are typically the 3rd Saturday of the month at different locations across Houston. We also offer classes and field trips about every other month, in addition to social events. (Again, check out Facebook to be in the know.) Our next event is Jim Linnell’s Figure & Floral Carving Class on June 24-25, 2023. Cost is $200 and a STEAL!! More details here. Here's the form to become a member ($15 for beginners and $30 for everyone else). Hope some of y'all will join us!
  2. Thank you, Wizcrafts! You’re a legend. Thanks for the tips. I’ll keep everyone posted on what I determine.
  3. Yes! All new oil and I gave her a good cleaning as soon as I bought her. She runs great except for the presser foot (even with the top thread improperly threaded—ha!). I didn’t even catch that it was supposed to go under the elbow after the second tensioner. Thanks for pointing that out. Oh my goodness! Thank you, kgg!! This manual IS excellent and much better than the techsew one that I received from the original owner. I’ll check it out now. Thank you!
  4. The video link doesn’t appear to work. Try this: https://youtube.com/shorts/wbpGA8ZNGpU?feature=share
  5. I have a TechSew 1460 and have been having an issue with the walking foot where it gets stuck in various raised positions, despite not having the knee pedal or hand lifter engaged. I can’t find any YouTube videos on the issue. I’ll either jiggle the foot pedal, turn the hand crank/motor pulley, or start sewing and it’ll SLAM down. Help! see video for demo: https://youtube.com/shorts/wbpGA8ZNGpU?feature=share
  6. I’m new to industrial sewing machines and just purchased a Techsew 1460 for lighter leatherwork. I LOVE it! I’m trying to learn all I can and have found online resources lacking for it, especially YouTube videos. Can someone tell me what machine it’s a clone of? And what other machines are similar to it that I can study? As a start, I think Typical GC6-7-D, Tacsew T111-155 and Reliable 3200SN are similar…right?? What about juki, Consew or some of the other big names?
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