I'm going mad trying to figure this out on my own. I purchased a used Neel's Saddlery machine in Iceland and it's been passed through at least two sets of hands before coming to me so the manual and bobbin cover has been lost. I unfortunately have no idea what exact model I have since it has no identifications that I can see.
The issue I'm having is that it pulls the bottom thread through to the top of my work and nothing I do seems to fix the issue. I've tried googling the most common issues, threading it right, using the right thread, tightening the tensioner on the bobbin, loosening the tensioners on the top, oiling the machine from top to bottom, change the needle and nothing seems to help. I've put off ordering a new manual from Neel's since the shipping to Iceland would be so expensive from the US (I'll do it if that's the only thing that can help me fix the issue).
Any thoughts or advice?