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  1. Have you looked at the landis website? They still make machines. Also, reddit is a great source. What's the year the machines were made in? If it's old enough, you can probably find the manuals on archive.org. Or some other digitizing website. Is the machine computerized or fully mechanical? But overall, for all the cost associated, if the thing works, you are getting a decent deal. Finishers (landisinternational.ca) Here are some great websites: These guys carry shoe machines and shoe machine parts. They also rebuild shoe machines. parts supplies accessories (gatewayshoemachine.com) This site does the same as above and has manuals Landis 12 L Stitcher (shoesystemsplus.com) This site is a shoe machine repair forum Forums - Shoe Repairer Forum
  2. I forgot to also add, there are a ton of providers of leathercrafting and leather goods within Canada as well, they're just all on etsy. So here are the vendors that I've found that also have good reputations from all the research I did. BilodeauFourrureArt FourrureJackalope AmbersLeather AALeathercrafts Northof49Furs Leatherfresh ChichesterCanada LionheartCanada GnFourrureQuebec MoxiesLeather ViktorSabo HeritageFur
  3. Hello everyone, In my quest to do research I found that there are a fair number of people who would like to know about reliable sellers of leather goods and hardware etc. within Canada. I thought I would share my list of resources that I've acquired during researching. Leather Supply and workshops – Hand and Sew Leather (leathertools.ca) https://tribalspiritmusic.com/ https://www.oaleathersupply.com/ Zelikovitz.com | Zelikovitz Leathers - Serious Crafts for Serious Crafters (zelistore.com) https://leathersmithdesigns.com/ Lonsdale Leather Home - Tundra Leather Native Craft Store, Beads and Leather - Winnipeg Trading Post, Canada Beaded Dreams | Native Arts & Crafts | Ottawa, ON, Canada Shop - Native Craft Supplies Home - The Silver Moccasin Ambers Leater Creations|Supplies (ambersleathercreations.com) Home - Miami Leather Company https://sewingsupplydepot.com/ Hides, Leather and Fur (halfordsmailorder.com) High quality fur pelts, leather, sheepskin and craft supplies – Bill Worb Furs Inc. Winnipeg Outfitters
  4. May I be added to the adult section please?
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