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Everything posted by neke

  1. Hello Chancey, good to see you here, I've heard a lot about you but I think we've never met?

  2. neke


    Thanks for your comment! I'm sure one can find a more qualified leatherartist for a tutorial... I just used a well known method of trial and error, concentrating mostly on errors. But I can try to answer if you got any questions! neke
  3. neke


    Finally done! Telecaster-style guitar with leather cover. Mexican basket weave braiding on seams, vinegarooned back and sides, spirit dyed top with antique finish. Plays like a dream. neke
  4. Prototype biker wallet I made for myself. Assembly. Interior with wet-formed cardpocket
  5. Thanks for comments! Strap is finished with neatsfoot oil, narvsvärta (dye made in Sweden, or Scandinavia in generally. I think it's quite similar with other alcohol based dyes), Tandy Super shene, Sheridan antique paste and finally leather conditioner. It's not "sweatproof", but I think it's thick enough to prevent dye bleed. And also these alcohol based dyes seem to resist bleeding quite well.
  6. Just something I've done lately. Tiki Guitar Strap Simple Billfold Wallet Simpler Credit Card Case Inside
  7. Billfold with one molded pocket for cards and one with a window for a driver's license. neke
  8. neke

    Guitar Strap

    Hi all! My attempt on pattern I found from old topics. Can't find the topic anymore, but big thanks to artist who designed the artwork. neke
  9. Card case I recently finished. Thanks for ideas Storm! neke
  10. Hi! Here's something I've been working on lately. Wristcuff, matching set with a guitar strap Short biker wallet, still missing inlet for a chain Boot parts, for a local bootmaker Front of tube Back of tube, identical (well, almost) on both sides neke
  11. neke

    Wedding gift

    My friends are gettin' married, made this for them with my girlfriend. Still have to frame and polish it properly. Neke
  12. Is there a website or email where one can order these?
  13. Hi all, I'll post an introduction later, but here is something I've been working on lately. Any criticism extremely welcome, just started three months ago, need opinions and suggestions Neke
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