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Everything posted by VegTan1982rocks

  1. Nice work. Looks like you worked very precise!
  2. Beautiful. I especially like the tanned/tobacco colour.
  3. Awesome idea and great work, love it!
  4. Nice work! I like the colours a lot!
  5. Thanks Wepster, Handstitched and chuck123wapati!
  6. Hi/Moin, I recently got into leathercrafting and now I want to make a cover for a ringbook. Making reusanle covers for Journals with flexible front and back are no problem. But the ringbook I will be making this for, has a hard back and front and the cover has to be reusable. I am pondering ideas about how to make it so that the book can be inserted and taken out. So far I only came up ideas which include press fastners. Any ideas? Best regards, Lars
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