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About HanginH

  • Birthday 10/03/1983

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    Calgary, Alberta
  • Interests
    Looking at becoming a better saddle maker which at the moment is a hobby I love to do and maybe with a lot more work/practice I could develop it into more then just a hobby. I also enjoy riding, team roping and recently calf roping in my spare time when I am not in the city working.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Saddles and Misc. Tack
  • Interested in learning about
    Saddle and Tack Making
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  1. Just got this wade finished a couple of weeks ago to use for myself until somone takes it off my hands. It is just a plain rough out with no stamping other than my makers stamp on the frog because I wanted to work mostly on just the building process on this one. I am pretty happy with how the lines on this saddle turned out but as always there seems to be a number of things that I would change on the next one. It is built on a very fine 15.5 inch Nikkel Tree but I can't remeber all the specs on this one off the top of my head. It has an inskirt rigging, half stirrup leathers and I used meium weight Herman Oak Leather. Haven't put it on the scale yet but it is certainly lighter than the last one I built with the plate rigging. I know the pictures are not the best but didn't have any that were better on my phone but any pointers our critiques would be greatly apprieciated. Thanks and Have a great day everyone!!
  2. Very Nice Darc! You must be busy out there on the coast!
  3. I agree with you that I like the bar grounding all running the same but am not nearly good enough at running it yet to make it look any good. I was down in Sheridan this summer and spent a couple of days with Clint Faye and he helped me out lots trying to run it a bit better. I was also glad to find out that he doesn't run it all in the same direction and just fans it so I guess if it works for him it could work for me. Just seems like i need more practice! (I never luck out at being a prodigy in anything! Ha!) I am thinking about going to the show just to see how it works and see the competition in the ameatur saddle makers division. I was hoping to get one built to enter in this years competition but time got away from me once again so I guess we will be aiming for next year. Already starting plans for a wade potentialy to keep for myself or as a spec saddle but we will see. Would like to get out to meet some guys and maybe pick their brain a bit about saddles, carving etc. As always the saddles look great!
  4. Nice Saddle Darc, Was admiring your backgrounding and was just wondering what size of bargrounder you use? On a side note are you going out to the Kamloops festivle this year? Thanks and have a good one guys!
  5. WOW those look really nice! Haven't done any braiding but am looking to start and would love to be able to make a set as nice as those ones that you have made! I hadn't seen a set out of roo hide before but like the color a lot. Thanks for posting the pics.
  6. Hey everyone, I posted this in a different section as well but thought I should post it hear as well. I just finished up this pair of chinks last night for my wifes uncle as part of the pay back program for keeping my horse at his place amongst many other things. I managed to draw up a bit of floral pattern which would be painful for any semi artistic person to watch because it takes me so long but this is the first bit of carving that I have drawn the pattern for and put on any project. I thin it turned out OK but think that I need to make the vine work a little larger around the outside as well as work on the overall shape of the petals on my flowers. THe pictures are not great as I took them with my phone and will try and get some better detailed ones if I have time but if you see where a guy could make improvement would love to hear some critiques. Thanks Justin
  7. Hey everyone, I just finished up this pair of chinks last night for my wifes uncle as part of the pay back program for keeping my horse at his place amongst many other things. I managed to draw up a bit of floral pattern which would be painful for any semi artistic person to watch because it takes me so long but this is the first bit of carving that I have drawn the pattern for and put on any project. I thin it turned out OK but think that I need to make the vine work a little larger around the outside as well as work on the overall shape of the petals on my flowers. THe pictures are not great as I took them with my phone and will try and get some better detailed ones if I have time but if you see where a guy could make improvement would love to hear some critiques. Thanks Justin
  8. I was hoping to try and find a distibutor that was more a commercial firshing supply company because this type of rope is acutually used for Longlining and for crab pots. I had a look at frontier and for the 3 strand stuff they are charging 1.70/foot and some of the stuff that I have looked at that sounds and looks similar other then color is selling in the neighborhood of 0.17 cents/foot. Just thought I would see if anyone new anything about that stuff sold by commercial fishing companies to see if it is the same stuff. If i can't find it might just have to break down and buy some from one of the suppliers you guys had mentioned. Thanks for the info. Justin
  9. Didn't know if anyone would know of a supplier that sells the 3 or 4 strand yellow/gold polly rope that has the lead twisted into as well? I have heard that it is a fishing rope used for crab pots and fishing nets. I have found lots of suppliers that carry a leaded type of rope but haven't been able to find the gold stuff. If you know of anyone who has tried ordering a spool of this type of rope and has had good luck with ordering it that way let me know because if it is the same stuff as I have been looking at it is much cheaper to just order a large roll of it compared to getting it cut at some of the local suppliers. Thanks Justin
  10. Hello Everyone I am thinking of making up some reins and possibly some good using bridles to add a bit of inventory and for some of the ranchers in my wifes family. I haven't bought any harness sides before and was just wondering what type of price a guy would be looking at . Also if you have any recomendations for suppliers that seem to have nice long sides for 7-8 foot reins that a guy would be able to get 8-10 sets of lines out of that would be great as well. Thanks Justin
  11. Thanks. Most of the pics were last minute because I am usually finishing projects right at the deadline! I need to get a light box set up and some stands for hanging things like breast collars, bridles, chaps etc so I can get nicer pics. All things in time I guess and thanks for the comments! Have a good one. Justin
  12. Hey Everyone, I have been working off and on for the last couple of years trying to put together a website to try and promote my leather work more. I have struggled with trying to find a lay out that is easy for people to use and at the same time tries to present my work as good as possible. If you have time and feel like taking a quick look to give me a critique on the lay out I would appreciate it and don't worry about hurting my feelings if you think something needs to be changed by all means let me know. One thing I do know is I need to start taking better pictures of my stuff but that will have to be a work in progress as more stuff comes off the bench. Denise did point out to me that having the pics in a silde show format doesn't allow for people to see a bunch of pictures and allow them to pick one they want to look at and might not stick around long enough to see the all the pictures run though. I changed the saddles page to a tile format for the pics but left the other pages the same just to see what people think. Also if any of you are on dial up would love to hear if my site functions alright when not on high speed because Ihaven't been able to test that yet. My site is www.hanginh.com Thanks Justin
  13. Just updated my website! Have a look and any critiques would be great. Thanks

  14. Thanks for the info guys. Have a good one!
  15. Hey Everybody! I recently got a saddle in for some repairs that had a fender rip off after a colt got the stirrup stuck on a rail or post or something and I have been debating with myself what I should be charging for the repairs that I made. I had to put a new blevins buckle on, its a cutting saddle so only had half stirrup leathers which got ripped in half so that had to be replaced and then a new latigo strap had to be put on. It doesn't seem like a lot of work but of course when you move as slow as I do it did take me about 2.5 hours from start to finish. I really don't care to do lots of repair work because it tends to get my bench dirty and I feel that the grime in the leather can't be good for my tools and the edges on them as well. I would love to know if anyone has a base rate they charge for repair work and from the description above maybe even a ball park figure of what I should be charging! Thanks for the help! Justin
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