Happy 2025 Tastech!
Yes I've sorted this machine out to my liking! Proper thread, thread lube and new awl and needle with a bit of fiddling. I'll never get tired of this machine, it is an industrial work of art so to speak.
I have yet to make my first pair of boots but I am picking away at that as well. Too many projects, too lazy at times... Last summer I bought a Landis 5 in 1 to compliment this Model 12 F. It needed a casting repair and a restoration as well and it now looks great. I figured out how to sharpen the stock cutter but imagined a cutter set up using replaceable circular cutters so I machined a new drive shaft and after a couple of attempts have an outboard cutter that can be changed out for a fresh sharp on in seconds. Worth the trouble? Maybe not but it scratched an itch for me!
I would love to see some of your footwear if you didn't mind posting some pics!