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Not at all sure where this belongs or what to call it . 

Wife buys these acrylic photo holders and we have several .  They are 3/4 thick ( 2 x 3/8 ) and work on magnets .IMG_1980.JPG.361a6ada7ccfc790ad15183d9e19269b.JPG


So I got to thinking ................... if double caps would  stick well then I could put some leather on them . Also makes 2 holders out of 1 ( yep , I am border-line genius :lol: ) wife  just says I'm tight !!

Needs a little heavier weight , this is 4/5 oz , and would work better I think .





  • CFM

that's an awesome idea you are a genius!!! Now burnish those edges lol

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@chuck123wapati :lol:  You got me , but in my defense I do have a hard time with the light stuff .  I didn't even try once I determined it needed to be out of heavier stuff .

Here is some 8/9 and it will work much better plus I can kinda shine the edges .




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Like them  .A whole bunch of possibilities. Thats what a traveling business  needs who carries pictures with them. 



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Those are awesome! Love that idea! Do you possibly have a link to where you get those frames? 

Also appreciate seeing someone else making such fantastic use out of those "cheap beginners" stamps as you did on the first one. I know they're not the best stamps out there, but I'm a cheapskate and frankly I think they make some beautiful designs, as you proved on that first frame.


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@Stewart Thank you .

@Fraulein Thanks  .  No link but wife got them at amazon . Those starter stamps come in handy sometimes .

  • 6 months later...

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