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2 and 3 stitch zigzag cam for Bernina 217

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Here is a design for a cam for a Bernina that does a 3 stitch zigzag and a 2 stitch zigzag.  I've printed and tested the 3 stitch version and it works great.  The images show it took me several tries to get the design right, the cam installed on the machine and the last one shows the face of the cam that should face the operator when installed on the machine.  I'm not sure of the polymer it's printed of.  The two stitch version has not been tested yet.




2 point cam v2.stl 3 point zigzag cam 6 lobe v2.stl

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I got the 2 stitch cam printed today.  It works just fine :)

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 Est il possible de remettre les fichiers des cames 3 points et deux points, je recherche désespérément ces cames... merci 

ou de m'indiquer où les avez ranger

en vous remerciant par avance de votre aide.


Edited, from Google Translate ... English is the language on this site.

Good morning, Is it possible to put back the files of the 3 point and two point cams, I am desperately looking for these cams... thank you or tell me where you put them thanking you in advance for your help. erwana

Edited by Northmount
Eglish translation

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On 11/26/2024 at 8:02 AM, erwi said:


The files are in the second post above yours.  Both downloaded without any problems.


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Just wanted to let anyone know that you need to join and sign it to access the files posted on this thread 



Edited by Chrisrad99

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