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New pattern needed; Phrygian cap, aka a Smurf hat

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I've taken a notion to see if I can make a Phrygian cap in leather
Its also recognized as the hat the Smurfs wear
Any ideas if there might be a pattern out there in the wilderness, or am I gonna have to draw up my own pattern?
It looks like this:

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Either way (finding a pattern or making it yourself) it is going to be an epic cap!

I have NEVER given thought to that the Smurfs wore a cap like that :-)

After Googling a bit I wasn't able to find any patterns, but I did find out that the cap has a couple of other names, and I tried Googling for patterns of those as well. 

Jakobinermütze (German), Jakobinerhue (Danish), Jakobiner lue (Norwegian) etc.

Good luck,
brgds Jonas


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