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What Machine is this

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Can anyone tell me which model of Singer this is?  Based on serial number it shows to be a Series 31 but I've bought numerous bobbin hooks for a 31-15 and they are slightly too large and are binding when turning the hand wheel.  Any help would be appreciated.  TIA   https://studio.shootproof.com/v3/297736/gallery/24350194  Singer Pic

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4 hours ago, Joe711 said:

Can anyone tell me which model of Singer this is?  Based on serial number it shows to be a Series 31 but I've bought numerous bobbin hooks for a 31-15 and they are slightly too large and are binding when turning the hand wheel.  Any help would be appreciated.  TIA  https://studio.shootproof.com/v3/297736/gallery/24350194Singer Pic

Pic requires a login. Please just upload it here and make it easy for us.

EDIT: I didn't realize you'd tagged onto an old thread. Also suggest you start a new thread where you'll get more action.

Edited by AlZilla

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23 hours ago, Joe711 said:

Can anyone tell me which model of Singer this is?  Based on serial number it shows to be a Series 31 but I've bought numerous bobbin hooks for a 31-15 and they are slightly too large and are binding when turning the hand wheel.  Any help would be appreciated.  TIA  https://studio.shootproof.com/v3/297736/gallery/24350194Singer Pic

I split your post off the old thread you had tagged onto.  When looking for something like this, start a new thread.

Also post pictures here, not on 3rd party hosts.

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