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Greetings from the Napa Valley

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Howdy, thanks for letting me join the forum. I really appreciate the deep knowledge members have regarding leather sewing machines (which I am contemplating finding).

I have a leather purse from the 1980’s that has lost some of its stitching. Does anyone here recognize what machine might have made the stitching? How does one identify and find similar thread? Should I just hand stitch the part where the thread was? Any ideas for restitching would be appreciated.



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I do mostly machine stitching and trying to resew this with a machine may be difficult.

Getting into the same holes and keeping a straight line would be more difficult than hand stitching.

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I think the machine stitching reflects the type of needle.  See the LR point needle at this site https://www.schmetz.com/en/industrial-needles/needle-compass/cutting-points/.  I would sew by hand as @BlackDragon suggested, using a bonded thread as for a machine and waxing the thread.  I can do a neater job repairing horse tack by hand than trying to run over the stitches with a machine.

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On 7/24/2024 at 9:35 AM, dk94574 said:

Howdy, thanks for letting me join the forum.

Welcome.  Great place to be.  Moved your post to Leather Sewing.

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