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  • CFM

I got a gift card for Christmas so I decided to buy some new tools from Barry King. I called them so I could ask how to use that gift card and Lindsay told me no problem she could probably get it to work. After I gave her the card info she said she would have to wait until she processes the order then she could run the card. She called 4 hrs later and said the card wouldn’t go thru so I told her to just send a PayPal invoice I would pay it. Between the time I gave her the card info and she called me back someone used the gift card for a $1 charge and then a $190 charge at Goat.com. The scams on these gift cards are a real drag. 
They only charged me $15 shipping and I got the tools the next morning in Texas. I do have 51 of his stamps already. 

New set of #35 bargrounders 

3  15 degree smooth bevelers

and a swivel knife beveler blade



Sorry to hear about the gift card. That's unfortunate. I have been thinking about a push beveler, but now you have me thinking about the swivel knife. Have you used both? I'm also making a longer list of tools that I think I need. :)


  • CFM

I usually use a modeling spoon to smooth out the long runs of beveling. I will still bevel and use the swivel knife beveler just to smooth it up. 


Thanks. I'm looking for an easy, and effective, method for long straight bevels like belts. I watched a Don Gonzales video where he used a push beveler. Now I'm thinking the swivel knife beveler might be a better option for me. 


  • Contributing Member

You can make a beveller for use in a swivel knife stock. I don't have lots of tools so I had to make each of these in two parts. A piece of nylon or delrin rod [or similar] shaped to be the beveller. You can make it any shape that you want. Just a swivel knife cut first then run one of these back and forth and you soon have a smooth bevel

swivel knife beveler, 03s.jpg

swivel knife beveler, 01s.jpg

swivel knife beveler, 02s.jpg


  • Moderator
4 hours ago, rktaylor said:

Thanks. I'm looking for an easy, and effective, method for long straight bevels like belts. I watched a Don Gonzales video where he used a push beveler. Now I'm thinking the swivel knife beveler might be a better option for me. 


     I don't have a real horse in this race since I sell and have used both. You can get more pressure with control using a push beveler than a bevel blade. You can lay over it and lean into it. With the swivel knife - you get hand pressure and it can get tiring for deeper beveling on long runs. Long straight runs - push beveler. Shorter areas, lighter beveling, or larger curves on stemwork - swivel knife bevel blade. 


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