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I'd follow recommendations for expensive shoes made of the same. Look into things like "renovateur cream" by Saphir. 


  • Contributing Member

Damp sponge and saddle-soap?

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It looks intricate. Not much of that is clearly visible in your photograph. Any advise you get here might not work or be completely correct because here, we cannot exactly see the embossed leather and its condition. Embossed leather is specialized and how it is treated will depend on how intricate it is, whether it has paint, what type of paint and so on. 

Have you consulted locals on this? There might be people there who can guide you  or even do it for you.

Meanwhile, you could dust it clean gently with a soft brush like the one used to dust computer keyboards. That cannot damage it and it will at least be dust-free. You could ensure that the humidity is about 50% there so it does not dry out. Any higher and you will need a dehumidifier to maintain the humidity at about 50%.


  • CFM

what Fred said!!! test it in an inconspicuous place first.

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3 hours ago, fredk said:

Damp sponge and saddle-soap?


2 hours ago, chuck123wapati said:

what Fred said!!! test it in an inconspicuous place first.

@fredkand @chuck123wapati are of course, correct.  This is an excellent way to clean leather. But saddle soap leaves a residue because it is not washed away completely.. So how will that affect the finish of the embossed leather, short-term and long-term? What is that finish? We do not know. And it is old. 

I think it is a bit of a risk to use anything without consulting experts who can  examining it closely.

Else, @laurenjohnstone if you can put up photographs of the embossed leather from up close, the experienced people here might be able to guide you better. 

Rather be safe than sorry, is it not?

Just my two bits.


  • CFM

Saddle soap isn't just soap, it is also a conditioner it has waxes and oils that condition and add moisture back into the leather. When the directions are read and followed it doesn't leave a residue, if it did no one would use it on saddles in dusty barns. However, it's made to be used on a wide variety of leather products not just saddles. Follow the directions and always test it first that way there is no risk. cleaning leather isn't rocket science, just takes some common sense.

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