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any experience with Jackware?

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Johanna maybe you can answer my question. I just read the thread on the hardened leather for armor, and the canteen. Would the canteen be considered Jackware? I guess I'm just trying to find what the true definition is.

I was also wondering if this is a guild craft , and if that could explain the lack of info on the web. I don't really know what the proper etiquette is for guilds, and I don't want to step on any toes.


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This is the kind of info I was looking for on the web, and was having little success. Just have to know where to look I guess. Thank you most kindly Jim. I appreciate all the guidance I can get.


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SteveJ- I dug out all my magazines, and I don't have the two issues mentioned. Since they are all spread out on the floor at the moment (and my third grader is arranging them in chronological order) I will post a list of what I do have for future reference.


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I posted the older leatherworking magazines I have in the "Resources" area. I also have most of the Leather Crafter & Saddlers Journal from the mid-nineties to 2002? or so. I will have additional slave labor this weekend, and the 13 year old will be assigned the LC &SJ inventory. If anyone is interested in older Tandy Doodle Pages, send me a PM.


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SteveJ- I dug out all my magazines, and I don't have the two issues mentioned. Since they are all spread out on the floor at the moment (and my third grader is arranging them in chronological order) I will post a list of what I do have for future reference.


Thanks anyway Johanna, I appreciate it. A listing of articles is a great idea.


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A small hard piece of leather that is used to "knock" people out

That too - and typically that leather is wrapped around some lead shot or similar.

But the blackjack we're talking about is typically a hollow cylinder with a handle on the outside - looks remarkably like a beer mug - and is used for knocking one's self out with beer, ale, cider or mead :cheers:


Steve, check out this group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/medieval-leather/ for lots of discussions about how bottels, costrels, jacks, etc. were made then, are being made now, and for sources of brewer's pitch and other materials of interest for the purpose.

Jas. Townshend still sells brewer's pitch, but I'm not at all sure if they're the best source around. Still investigating this area myself.

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At that time, I had no access to genuine pine pitch, so I used epoxy glue to make it waterproof. Sometime after, Tandy began selling pine pitch & later discontinued it, but it is still available from a source or two on the internet. Back in the '70s, pine pitch was used to line tank cars, but since the advent of stainless steel, it is once again very hard to obtain.

Russ Holzer

I just want to say how much I am enjoyng this whole forum, I'm finding out all sort of interesting things!

This caught my eye, I am wondering if pine pitch might be what horsey people sometimes paint on their horses hooves, known as Stockholm Tar?? It's a sticky blackish thick liquid, looks like oil but smells kinda nice, piney, I am pretty sure it's pine resin -from Swedish pine trees.

anyway, just wondering if it's the same stuff.


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I just want to say how much I am enjoyng this whole forum, I'm finding out all sort of interesting things!

This caught my eye, I am wondering if pine pitch might be what horsey people sometimes paint on their horses hooves, known as Stockholm Tar?? It's a sticky blackish thick liquid, looks like oil but smells kinda nice, piney, I am pretty sure it's pine resin -from Swedish pine trees.

anyway, just wondering if it's the same stuff.


Hi Linda.

I don't think it's the same thing. The "Brewer's Pitch" I've handled comes in solid chunks and needs to be heated up to melt it into a liquid form.

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Aah, no it sounds like different stuff then. Oh well, never hurts to ask :)


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Hey Steve, I was wondering if you have made any Jackware since posting this. I have considered making some mugs and I've seen a couple of nice ones done but I'd like to hear more!


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Hey Steve, I was wondering if you have made any Jackware since posting this. I have considered making some mugs and I've seen a couple of nice ones done but I'd like to hear more!


Hi. I haven't had much time lately to try Jackware. I'm thinking it might be a project for this winter. Have to get through all the summer and fall events first.

It still looks like something interesting to try, and if you give it a whirl, I would love to hear how it worked out for you. Please keep me informed OK


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If you check through this site:


there is a bunch of stuff on making Jacks and leather bottles

as for the relationship between blackjacks and drinkwear I read that some of the cheaper Jacks were sealed with tar rather than wax or pitch and were favorite weapons in bar brawls. I doubt that the weapon blackjacks evolved from them, perhaps it was just an association or nickname thing.

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Fishguy , many thanks for the link. It was very informative, and answered some of the questions that had started to bug me. So many projects, and so little time. Oh well.

Thanks again

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