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link opens one the left side

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When I click on links, say one that is in someone's post, the browser window that opens from that link opens one the left side of my desktop - way over on the left side - I can barely see that window, but can manage to run my cursor over the edge of it and get a double-headed arrow and drag it open and then enlarge it so I can work with it. This just started occuring about a week ago, it hasn't always done that. I probably didn't something unknowingly and dumb.

I don't know that I need to know or will understand why, but I'm curious as to what has happened. Can you explain it in Dummy's terms? More importantly, is there a way to correct this and get these windows back towards the center of the desk top?

Thanks is advance for replies. ~Bill

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I recently bought a wide screen monitor, and no matter what, my Explorer windows work their way to the left, too. Drives me crazy. Here is a temporary fix: Use the drag method to position the window the way you want it, then hold down the control key while you "X" out. Windows will remember the position for awhile (maybe the next 10 times?) I figure out how to lock them into opening where I want them, I'll let you know. (All the other applications and software I use remember where they are supposed to be, why can't Explorer?)


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Thank ya ma'am, that helps; ten's better than the way it wuz.

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Just learned that F11 changes to full screen. Once I did that, and opend a window again(from link) it opened full screen (rather than smaller and to the side).



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