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Since things are still a litle bare around here thought I should post something. Here are some pics of my first sheath for the new year.

I built this one as a prototype for one I plan on making for some other knives I have on order. I incorporated a few suggestions I received from leathercrafters here and elsewhere. I have also decided on a few changes I will incorporate on my next sheath, now that I have built a dangler.

Durability and function were my main concerns. I figure pretty is in the eye of the beholder.

The sheath is made from some of the leather I bought at Tandy, I am moving up to some better leather here soon for my next sheaths. The sheath is finished using Obenaufs LP. It does not shine up all pretty, but it provides the leather conditioning and protection I want for use outdoors in all climates. I burnished and sealed the edges using bees wax they are very smooth but once again, not too shiny. By using these two finishes I can easily restore the finish if need be and avoid the hassle of chemical finishes and unpredictable results. Easy maintenance on a durable finish was my goal.

Anyway on to the pics. Standard disclaimer about not being a photographer

applies. :rolleyes:





Thanks for looking, any input is appreciated.

Happy New Year and Best Regards to All,



Looks cool Grunt!

  • Ambassador

Nice job there Grunt, what did you use to color it black with?


  • Contributing Member

Got a pic of it being worn?


Thats some nice clean work. I've been kicking around trying a sheath. I dont have a knife though. oh well.


To answer y'alls questions,

Ken- I used Fiebings Professional Oil Dye Black

Wolvenstein- I will try to get the Mrs to take a pic of it hanging off my belt

David- It is all hand sticthed I wish I could afford a sewing machine capable of doin that kind of work.

Thanks for the kind words from everyone.


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