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Hello, Wanted to thank the leatherworkers out there for some great assistance. My Dad gave me a few leatherworking tools in Junior High and I was able to learn enough to make and sell Tandy kits for spending money. Then I got busy with life and only managed to make a belt or a purse for a few family members over the next 35 years. Recently my Dad mentioned that he wished he had a tooled guitar strap, so I dug up the tools, modified an old Tandy's billfold pattern to fit an untooled strap I had purchased and jumped in. About halfway through I found the Leatherworker.net and was amazed at all the great work being done and the sharing of techniques. I have always had terrible luck with antique finish and couldn't figure out why it looked so great on the disply items in Tandy stores, but so wretched on some of my pieces. From the Leatherworker.net forum I learned about using Neat Lac as a resist over Neats Foot Oil. I think I bought the last spray can of Neat Lac in Denver. Finally, I got the finish I had wanted. I think my Dad will be pleased. Since this piece I have tried a few other things I learned on the forum, and will post them soon. Thanks



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hi and welcome.

i made a wallet for my dad, but i ended up with it.

  • Contributing Member

Hey, your story sounds familiar. I started doing leatherwork in junior high school too, and it was over 30 years ago too. I'm glad you picked up your tools again. It looks like you didn't forget much. The staps looks nice and I bet your dad is going to love it. Weclome to Leatherworker. I hope we get to see more of your work in the future.

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