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Hello, hello, everyone!!!

My name is Katie, and I'm relatively new to the leatherworking game. :)

I started in March of 08, so I'm really glad that my hubby found these forums!

I'm mostly into carving, my hubby does most of the stitching and lacing for me (he's much better at it than I, to be honest). I'd like to learn some traditional, sheridan, and victorian style work, but I tend to meander to a different drummer, and most of my work has been in varying anime style.

Alas, I don't have a home page or web page, but I do have a lovely subscription to DeviantArt, and if you'd like to look, my stuff can be found at http://SchuldigTheRed.DeviantArt.com%20" target="_blank"> http://SchuldigTheRed.DeviantArt.com .

So uh... glad to meet you all! ^__^.

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It will be a pleasure to check out pics of your work.

If you need anything just ask, Some one will know how it is done.

Lot of talented people here...



Welcome KatieG ! Its all good here ! Wish i could get my wife interested in leather work !lol

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Thank you both for the warm welcome!! ^__^.

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:welcome: to the finest leatherworker forum there is!

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Welcome to the forum. You will learn heaps of new things here. Look forward to seeing your leatherwork.

:coffeecomp: Kiwi.

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Aww, thanks, guys!!

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Well, I figured I would post a few pieces, just for fun, see what you guys think. :)

Let's see we have here... a few checkbook covers!

One is one I made for myself (the lovely purple one, the guys at Tandy are delighting in ribbing me about purple every chance they get...)


Here is the post-tooling and post-color shots of a Sailor Moon checkbook cover for my friend, it's her favorite show/character since high school, how could I resist?

Leather_58___Sailor_Moon_cover_by_SchuldigTheRed.jpg Leather_58___SailorMoon_color2_by_SchuldigTheRed.jpg

Here is the checkbook cover I'm doing for my other friend... also a favorite character... I love the practice, and had a blast making it.


My first "traditional" carving - I did this leaf keychain for my brother's Christmas gift.. an oakleaf, just like in The Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan. :)


I found this lily pattern online, so I used it on a book cover for my grandmother's Christmas gift.


I did these 2 flasks as presents for my friends for being groomsman/usher in my wedding this October. Did a "tanooki" mario per request of one, and the other is his tattoo, which he is especially proud of.


Another flask, this one for fun.. a little bouncy, adorable critter from a game.


So, feel free to let me know what you all think. :)

And last but not least, the checkbook cover I'm making for my Victorian steampunk-loving sister, some scrollwork done in a great shade of blue!!











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Why, thank you very much :) (who's James?)

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Double thank you!! :)

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