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I've been doing more covers lately, thanks to help from my friend Yolanda Roots, and this is my first case. She and her site have been very helpful to me in this endeavor! http://custom-leatherworks.com/

The customer was entirely pleased. I decided to put the handle on the right side so that when it is carried, the Bible will rest on its spine rather than its pages. I think most of the time it is the opposite.






Really nice, Holly!


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I love it Holly.

Got one question were you stiched it on the side there how would it work to go all the way to the edge and skive down nice and glue it down and stitch, does this sound like a good idea, the reason I ask is I have done some like this one and the folks don't like the edge it makes.

  • Contributing Member

Nicely done, Holly. I think that is a great idea switching the handle to the opposite side.


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Thanks for the advice, jbird! I can see how gluing down the edges and skiving them a bit more would definitely have helped.

I was initially going to do the sides like the bottom edge seams are, kinda pinched looking; but I didn't care for that, so I left that "lip" to stitch. Had I thought of it sooner, I'd have done that at the bottom too - but I'd already cut them off.

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well Holly

I must say that I feel set back and a bit funny giving you advice, I more wanted your thoughts on it, any how

I love the hole lay out and design and color and as I say you might never find the best way but you can find it's equals because in leatherwork it's all in the eye of the beholder.



Very nice work Holly. Yolanda is good people. Next time you talk to her, tell her Levi says hi.

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Will do "Levi" :)

And jbird, no worries. I think your advice was excellent and I intend to try it next time this kind of thing comes up. Personally, I love the double loop stitch, and I would rather have done that on the edges, but she wanted a flat stitch. I even tried buckstitching the edges first, but that was horrible.

  • 7 years later...
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Very nice indeed! Only thing I wonder about is the handle. Looks a little weak in the attachment. I would suggest cross pieces to help take some of the strain, or perhaps weave the strap through the side and stitch. Like an under and over kind of thing. Otherwise, cool cover!

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