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Not sure what all to say here so forgive me if I go off on a tangent as I have a tendency to babble when I'm writing. I've been interested in leather work since I was very young but nothing materialized from it until about 4 years ago. I received a Nature Tand starter kit for x-mas and it kinda snowballed from there. I quickly got bored of the butterfly stamps and simple squiggly lines and bought myself a carving starter set. Out of 4 years I probably only have about 3 months carving time in as most of what I've done has been for personal use or gifts, throw in having a few kids and the lack of time or money that comes with the young uns. I've been tossed back into the fold so to speak after telling a friend how much I enjoyed doing leatherwork and wished I had the time and money required to pursue it again. That conversation pretty much ended with her handing me $200 to make some wallets for her and her kids. Although my background in leather is fairly minimal I had the good fortune of being raised by an artist, I often tell people that I was born with a pencil in my hand as I was always badgering my dad, "teach me how to draw this, show me how to draw that, let me paint something, show me how to airbrush that!". Although I've never truly taken the time to develop my skills in any area I do have the ability to draw a little and have some design sense.

The only thing I can say for sure is that of all the things I have done or can do creatively the only one that seems to nag at me is leather carving. So for now my main thing is learning how to carve well, hopefully my work will be good enough to become more than just a hobby but I guess only time will tell. I will post my stuff once it's completed although of the 5 pieces I have on the go (all Tandy kits), only 1 will be an original design (I hope, kinda depends on what the wife wants on her wallet!), I hope to eventually get to the point of being able to create everything completely from scratch, guess thats why I'm here. I live in small town Manitoba, so there aren't any readily available resources for me so I look forward to poking around on this site. I may not post much on here at first, but I definitely look forward to seeing other peoples work and browsing all the information available here.

P.S If there's anyone else on here from the Manitoba Parkland looking to show an aspiring leathercrafter a thing or two, drop me a line!!!


:welcome: So glad to see you found this place! I think you will love it - lots of inspiring work here, and lots of great people. When you have a chance post your work so we can all see it!

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Boy at first I thought this was a blood drive thread or vampire thread LOL.

Glad you are with us because you joined you are with us the reel home of leather artists welcome and have fun.


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Well, one thing for shure drawing skills come in real handy for leatherworking.

Not having to rely on others for your graphics is a plus.

This a great place for info, and peoples here are the nicest and friendliest, I have seen in any forum

Good luck and enjoy.

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I got my first leather stuff at the Tandy store in Winterpeg about 100 years ago (naw, it was really only about 30 years ago), but like you, put it down for a long, long time. (Does this make me "stale" Canadian blood?) This is a great forum to learn practially anything to do with leather. From beginners to professionals, this site has it all, and you will learn lots. Welcome back to the world of leather! :grouphug5vj5: Joy


Its like riding a bike! Welcome to the foram!!

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