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In 1996 my son got a bear with this pistol. In 2006 he got a lion with it. So I thought I'd make a holster to show his accomplishments. With the flash the lion and bear don't show up near as good. In person they are a lot darker. I'll have to work on my photography.



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I bet the animals that were murdered (oh, sorry - hunted) would have been happier if left to live out their days in anonymity.

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Very nice job on the fit and finish of that holster. Your manipulation of the stamps to produce a unique pattern was also very inovative and good looking. I assume the animals and dates were Laser produced? The whole package is very neat. Thanks for posting your work


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Very nice and great gift for son. I have several pictures of my son's deers in different years and that would make a great design for a gun case.

Thanks for sharing your idea and work.

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Edited by buffalo

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I guess you just use plastic to make belts with. :eusa_naughty: Where do you think leather comes from. DUH :head_hurts_kr:


ok - just the one response and i am done - i dont want to turn this into a flame war or a diatribe

I am not a tree hugging wide eyed animal nut. I eat meat, I tool and use leather, my friends hunt (for edible game)..

I see a diff between animals bred in captivity for slaughter and industry - cows are a good example - and animals out in the wild "minding their own business" being killed for sport.

Animals bred in captivity like cows and pigs are "used" in their physical entirety ..nothing is wasted...and while you can certainly argue that any sentinent being deserves better,

I somehow manage to rationalize eating them and wearing and using their bodies for clothing and craft...

Bears, lions and other wild game-are another kettle of fish - unless they are seeking you out and attacking you or threatening harm in your neighborhood or home, we have no business shooting them...IMSHO.....you want to really hunt - go after them bare-handed - level the playing field, eh??

Now THATS hunting, and ya know what? If ya win - ya earned the head.

These wild animals want and have nothing to do to us - we pursue them, in their habitat and kill them - for Sport, not industry or food...... and in my book - thats a diff dynamic...a whole nother situation.

i suspect theses animals memorialized on this holster didnt seek out and attack the shooter in his home or neighborhood - rather i suspect the shooter sought out these animals, in their natural habitat and killed them for sport, not to eat.

or make belts


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Edited by buffalo

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Very Nice holster. I'm sure it will be appreciated!


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I have eaten Bear numorus times, tastes like pork, I have eaten Lion, tastes like Lion.

Without getting on a large tagnent of viable wildlife conservation somthing I can and am qualified to talk at length about. Controlled hunting IS conservation.

On that note. Nice looking rig you made your son.

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Great holster Buff. By the way in the wild, animals hunt, kill and eat each other. We're just honoring their culture when we do the same.

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I won't go into the whole wild vs. domestic animal debate. No-one will ever win.

Nice looking holster, though! I would be proud to carry it!

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Beautiful work! Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for the kind words. It was a labor of love.

Regards Buff

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Wow Buff that is very nice! I'm sure he will be proud of it.


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Great looking holster, I'm sure he'll treasure that the rest of his life!!! And as far as the hunting argument, this ain't the place for it, take your views and dump them on someone else! :blahblahblah: He never asked how you felt about hunting. I'm sure theres a tree in need of a hug somewhere, why don't you go find one.


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Post 1:

"I bet the animals that were murdered (oh, sorry - hunted) ..."

Post 2:

Then this, followed by eight! paragraphs: "... i dont want to turn this into a flame war or a diatribe"


There actually is a place for this on the board. It's the "Off Topic" forum.

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Very nice holster! How did you do the lion and bear? Are they lasered (sp) branded? Looks cool! Your son should be proud!

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No more arguing in Buff's thread. Start a new thread in Off-Topic if you want to continue the conversation that has nothing to do with this holster.


Beautiful work, Buff! Thanks for sharing!



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Great looking holster. I wish you were my dad!

Randy :notworthy:

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Very nice holster! How did you do the lion and bear? Are they lasered (sp) branded? Looks cool! Your son should be proud!

Yes they were lasered on.

Thanks for all the compliments.

Regards Buff

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