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here is a checkbook cover I did for a friend of mine. Yes its one of those tandy kits. I've been messing around with leather for about two months now, so I have a long way to go. But please tell me what you think, critisism is always a blessing. Thanks



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Looks really good actually. The stamping is very good.

Work on your lacing technique, even out the backgrounding, and your well on your way.

If you can cut a copy of your kits then you can do them a few times except dont punch the holes try a lacing awl or something similer. It will help your lacing look much better.

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Thanks, I know the lacing isn't that great. I would have much rather sewn it but the holes were already punched.

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For one of your first projects, you are doing well.

My input: Try to even out the backgrounding. You can hit the same places over and over again. Just keep the tool moving. This will create more depth. Try to drive it all down the same amount.

Loose the funny looking "stop" that Tandy sells. It does not look natural at all.

Learn to double loop lace, once you get the pattern it is very easy.

On the back: If you are going to scribe a line, make it less prominate. Better yet, use a piece of low stick painters tape and work off that line, then remove the tape and go the other direction. No line when done.


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Thanks for the input Aaron

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