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Ok, another stupid question/request from me...

I used to have a piece of wood, shaped kind of like a curved pipe, that if you put a belt on the larger end, you could put the small end on the edge of a table & the belt and piece of wood would seem to defy gravity by hanging off the edge of the table without falling off. I can't find mine, nor can I find a pattern. Does anyone have a clue what this is called or have a pattern for it, or even know what I'm talking about? While it looks like it is defying gravity, it really has to do with angles of suspension & engineering.

Thank you for any help. I think this would be a neat method of drawing people into one's booth.

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When I was a kid "back in the dark ages", we used to whittle those out of the wooden ends of cigar boxes (how long ago was that? lol). Only name I ever remember hearing them called was a "whimmy diddle", or somethng like that. We used to make them about 4 or 5 inches long and about 1.5 or 2 inches high, curving down to about 1/4 inch high at the end that sits on the table. The notch sloped from the top towards the bottom outside end, at about a 60 degree angle, if I remember right. Probably need to do some experimenting - a good bit depends on the width and weight of the belt, and you have to play with it a bit to get the weight of the belt balanced on each side (nearly impossible with a buckle attached, unless its very light weight). It should be flat on the bottom to help with balance. If I can help more, please PM me.

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Tiger: I finally did find a picture of what I was looking for, although a whimmy diddle is something different- it's a notched stick with a smaller stick at the end- when you stroke the notches with a pencil, the small stick spins. But thanks to you, I did a series of google & bing searches & finally came up the actual thing I need to make.

Thank you for your help- it is well appreciated! :notworthy:


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Tiger: I finally did find a picture of what I was looking for, although a whimmy diddle is something different- it's a notched stick with a smaller stick at the end- when you stroke the notches with a pencil, the small stick spins. But thanks to you, I did a series of google & bing searches & finally came up the actual thing I need to make.


Can you post a link? You got me curious about this thing.


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Can you post a link? You got me curious about this thing.


Dan, look under laserkerf.com

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Here's a quick, very rought sketch of the "belt hanger" --- about 1/4 inch of the small end sits on the edge of a table, and the weight of the belt pulls the outer end up and keeps it from falling. All depending on the angle of the notch and the weight of the belt.



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