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Just to be sure ...

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The correct time to punch and hand stitch is AFTER the final coats of Neat-Lac or Bag-Kote or Tan-Kote, etc...? There is typically no finish applied after the stitching?

Thank you,


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I generally don't stitch anything until all of my finishing is done and dry. It keeps you stitches white and just looks better. But don't be afraid to put a coat of Tan-kote, Neatlac, or Clearlac over those stitches, that won't affect to look or hurt them at all. I generally put an antique finish on all of my stuff , and don't like for that antique paste to get down in my stitches and gunk them up. Some guys do and are fine with it but I like my sticthes white.


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Hi.... Normally you'll be right most of the time. But there will be certain times and applications that might require a finish after sewing. Just remember, there are no written rights or wrongs for this sort of thing. only guidelines, and final results! :)


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