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I don't know why I thought of this today, but...

A few years back a friend called me and told me that a local saddlemaker had died and his shop was pretty much abandoned. I found out the landlord's name and gave him a call about possibly buying some of the equipment.

The shop was beautiful - well laid out with primo tools and equipment. The sadddest part was that this guy was only 50 and died of a heart attack. His work was laid out on the bench just like he was expecting to come back in the next day- some pieces tooled, others cased and covered in plastic for the next day's tooling.

His family from whom he had been estranged had already come by and taken his display saddles but had left the rest for the landlord to dispose of. Unfortunately my offer was bettered by someone else.

It really got me thinking how temporary life is. All our plans and excitement about this or that project or event may be just plans if we don't sieze the moment and take every day like it's our last. Now, I'm talking a walk down to the local diner for breakfast, and when I get back I'm getting going on a saddlebag I've been putting off - who knows...

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The sadddest part was that this guy was only 50 and died of a heart attack. His work was laid out on the bench just like he was expecting to come back in the next day- some pieces tooled, others cased and covered in plastic for the next day's tooling.

It really got me thinking how temporary life is. All our plans and excitement about this or that project or event may be just plans if we don't sieze the moment and take every day like it's our last.

Ian, you're so right.

Life is really too short to waste on anger & fighting & worrying over 'stuff', that in the scheme of things, doesn't matter in the least: politics, gossip, "reality tv", religious lunacy, hypocrisy, judgemental pomposity... These, and other trivial things fritter life away & serve no meaningful purpose.

What really counts is to be true (primarily to yourself- if you're true to yourself, you will be true to others).

And honest.

And fair.

And live life like today IS your last.

Many people's first experience with a heart attack is death- there is often no second chance, unfortunately.


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Very true. Ever since my recovery from colon cancer two years ago I no longer put things off that I want to do. I have always had ideas of projects I want to do kicking around my head, and now I just sit down and do them. At the age of 60 I realize that everything I do could be the last time I do it.



I have realized the importance of doing things now and not putting them off. I had a motorcycle wreck in Sept 07 and broke my neck. Now I'm paralyzed from the waist down, and all those projects I was going to get around to aren't going to get done until I get out of this stupid chair, or they're being done by friends. Gotta live in the now and not procrastinate. (That's why I haven't posted any work. My tooling is still not where it was before the accident, so I'm spending my time practicing.)


Life is short, and you never know when you can be taken down. I remember not long ago, Levi was still tooling, and then the accident took him out of the game. Seems like yesterday. Just 3 weeks ago I suffered a heart attack. I was lucky. Got all fixed up, and back at it after just a couple of days. I know now that I have to take care of myself better than I have been, and do more living instead of mostly just killing myself. I could have died, but I was given a second chance. Not everyone gets a second chance at life. Make the best of what you have.

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Life is like you guys say it is. What bothers me is when a leather worker passes on, all his or her skills goes away with the person. Its bad enough that the person moves on but even the skills go and that to me, makes it worse. I still have the value of the person on my mind, please don't think that I am ignoring that, but after that, I move to all the skills that are gone.

I am glad I read this thread... now I need to get to work because I do put off things. I also believe that you have to deal with life with the cards it deals you. So far my cards have been good but I am 60 and that could change this afternoon, never know. I guess thats why some have a good garden..... suppose to take some of the extra tomatoes next door to help out.

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