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  • Ambassador

How cute are these!! White roos rarely survive in the wide so breeding sanctuaries have been set up here in Australia.



  • Contributing Member

Well it looks like we will have to cancel Xmas in Australia (yay just quietly) as Santa is missing 2 white boomers to pull his sleigh.

Xmas in Australia is in the middle of summer and hence too hot for reindeer. Santa changes over to 6 white kangaroo (boomers) for his Australian run.

If you believe in all that bah humbug hoo hah


  • Ambassador

what a wonderful image..santa wearing an Akubra hat with his sleigh being pulled by the boomers....i would love to see what peter main could do with this thought!!!!

  • Members

That is something I really want to see!!!


I was thinking Easter-Roo. He could carry easter eggs in his pouch!

  • Members

Are they albino ? Rare ? They're pretty though.

  • Ambassador

very rare...1 in every 10,000...they usually dont survive in the wild

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Members

There is a place here in South Dakota. Called the Roo Ranch. They have 2 or 3 of them.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Members

I am not sure but I think that the one on the far right had a shiny red nose. Skippy The Red Nosed Roo!!!

  • Contributing Member

For those who know of Skippy the bush kangaroo.

TTT TTT TTT. What's that Skip, Sonny fell over the cliff. I need you to race back to ranger headquaters, ring 000 (911)and then hop back here and fly the chopper to the hospital.

Sorry I could not resist.


  • Members

Ha ha Barra! yes good old Skippy "the bush Kangaroo" (I can still remember that damned tune!). As the nearest I have gotten to a Kangaroo is a 100 metre roll of black thonging can you please tell me if they actually make that horrible T T T T T T T T T T T that used to drive Mother mad when we sat in front of the good old Thorn in all it's black and white glory.

Then there was good old "Flipper". I have had a bit to do with Dolphins and havent come across one yet that pokes it's head out of the water and goes AAAACCKAAAAAACCKKKK!

Whilst on the subject why do film makers think horses neigh continually whenever there are more than two in a scene - sometimes when there is only one!

T T T T T T T T!!


  • 2 months later...

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