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  • Contributing Member

Ok, some of you know the story behind this, and if you don't, well, that's good! This certificate was delivered to me today along with my entries from the Fed show awhile back. You all need to be careful of what you enter in these shows, not necessarily what projects, but what doors. Some people will never let you live down your mistakes!! Thanks Kathy, you are WAY too funny!!

PICT0309 (1024x768).jpg




Congratulations!! I never doubted you for a minute!


Los Angeles

  • Ambassador



It might be a good idea if you were to share the story, now that the discussion has been started. I find it hard to believe that anything you did could be half as bad as what I can imagine!

  • Contributing Member

Well, the short version is that I first met Kathy in the ladies room at a Federation show in Denver a few years ago. I'm very grateful that she didn't scream for security and get me listed as a sex offender! Instead, she just politely started a conversation. A year or so later, thanks to Johanna and this forum, we got back in touch and she's become one of the best friends a person could ever ask for. I pick on her a lot cuz I like her so much, and she finds really original ways to get even.


Shucks, Clay, I can think of a bunch of items to share about you:

1) Out there in them No. Dakota Badlands, remote as you are, when no one's looking you practice ballet;

2) You're a closet member of PETA;

3) You ARE out there in the Badlands thanks to the Witness Relocation Program;

4) In the last election you voted for Dan Quayle on a write-in ballot.

(As a friend of mine always groans, "With friends like these, who needs enemies.")

Keep smilin'.


Los Angeles

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