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Posted (edited)

Hey Everyone, i've been trying to make a pattern for a butt cover for my Marlin 30-30 lever action, Model 336, with a standard thin recoil pad. I've never done anything like this, and can't get the pattern right, it has came up too short( the curves of the stock threw me off) or too uneven. Instead of having to scrap another piece of hide, i wanted to see if anyone had done a Cover for this Rifle, and if they had a pattern to share, or tips for the Amateur here xD. Thanks.

Edited by Thalaskaru

Hey Everyone, i've been trying to make a pattern for a butt cover for my Marlin 30-30 lever action, Model 336, with a standard thin recoil pad. I've never done anything like this, and can't get the pattern right, it has came up too short( the curves of the stock threw me off) or too uneven. Instead of having to scrap another piece of hide, i wanted to see if anyone had done a Cover for this Rifle, and if they had a pattern to share, or tips for the Amateur here xD. Thanks.

Heh. Been there, done that. My last effort was still at least 1/2" too short to completely wrap the stock, even after lots of thought. I'm sorta at the same place you are right now, but maybe we can give each other ideas...

Are you trying to make a cover that covers all the way to the front of the butt stock??? If so, you must have a real sense of adventure. I'm only trying to cover the back 2/3 of my AR15 style rifle: a Panther DPMS LR-308L

Here's what I've done so far, after the first screw up. After getting the same results as you, I took a piece of ugly leather the same weight as the stuff I want to make my cover from. I used the leather to make a pattern. First, I cut one edge straight. I took that straight edge, and laid it exactly along the center line of the underside of my rifle stock, and DUCT TAPED IT there, so it would not move at all. I carefully wrapped the leather around the stock, and eyeballed where the straight cut edge laid under the wrapped leather. I marked both ends of that straight cut on the overlapped end. I then marked on the leather, where I wanted the front and back edges of the cover to end. I removed the leather from the gun stock, finished marking where the second straight cut would be, then made the cut. I used it to make a pattern out of good leather. Now, I'm doing one for an AR15 military style rifle, so my pattern is going to be a lot different from yours, as I have to allow clearance for the charging handle. It will not go completely to the front of the butt stock. I also don't have any real contours that your stock might have. I plan on doing some Sheridan carving on my cover, and lace it together along the underside of the stock. I also am going to do a cover for the front stock, as it is pretty ugly, being a simple "tube" of carbon fiber which encloses the free floating barrel.

I hope I've at least given you some ideas how to deal with your rifle. Let me know how it goes, or if you get any ideas that are better than mine! I can use all the help I can get, too!

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Posted (edited)

Glad i'm not alone in this, i forgot to specify, sorry, i'm only making it cover up to the Grip of the stock, no further. (i couldn't find a name for it, the thin part of the stock that fits to the receiver.). Thanks for the idea, i have two Giant tubs full of Tarnished and scrapped leather! Figured the butt cover would be a much better alternative to trying to mount screws to the stock( tried once, they slipped out, need something that covers the hole D: ), plus with a rifle sling adapted to it, i won't have to carry the rifle in hand like i have for the last two years xD.


Also, i have to say, the panther looks absolutely Vicious, Mammoth hunting must be back in season to be carrying something like that!

Edited by Thalaskaru

Glad i'm not alone in this, i forgot to specify, sorry, i'm only making it cover up to the Grip of the stock, no further. (i couldn't find a name for it, the thin part of the stock that fits to the receiver.). Thanks for the idea, i have two Giant tubs full of Tarnished and scrapped leather! Figured the butt cover would be a much better alternative to trying to mount screws to the stock( tried once, they slipped out, need something that covers the hole D: ), plus with a rifle sling adapted to it, i won't have to carry the rifle in hand like i have for the last two years xD.


Also, i have to say, the panther looks absolutely Vicious, Mammoth hunting must be back in season to be carrying something like that!

Nah, we just grow big rabbits up here. :)

  • 2 years later...
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I am working on now that is turning out nicely. Post a pic of the gun so I can compare it to my .44 lever action and I will post my pattern. it should print onto a 8.5x11 cause I will SCAN it into a PDF.

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This might be a long shot and have limitations, but it might be possible to mock up your patterns with thin cardboard. Stuff like ceral boxes. It'll behave similar to leather, well more so than paper, but you won't be wasting leather if you mess up. It'll give you an idea where you'll need to cut reliefs or prepare for overlaps and such. The best part is success means you have a pattern to use for the real thing.

Keep in mind that I have not actually attempted this type of project, however I have used the cardboard trick with success. The are even reusable, if the need arises.

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Just a reminder here, but look at the date of the thread. This one is over two years old, so the OP may not reply.

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So that's the secret to getting good answers - post the question then come back every couple of years to see what people came up with!!


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Better late than never... :unsure:

  • 5 years later...
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Wrap some heavy weight aluminum foil around the stock.  Cover that in masking tape. Use a sharpie to draw your seams, cut the foil/tape off the rifle. Clean up your trim lines, trace the pattern onto some cardstock and add enough allowance to make up for the weight of the leather.  You should come out alright :)


coachgun stock.jpg

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