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I have made a couple of credit card wallets, by hand stitching. I would now like to add lacing around the edges.

Although I have done lacing on heavier gauge leather (knife sheath), never on light weight items.

What gauge of lacing leather is best for wallets?

I have some 3mm x 1mm and 3mm x 1.5mm which seems far too thick for the wallet.

Any advice will be appreciated.


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OOPS ... that should have brought up the 3/32" (2.3 mm) stuff.

Edited by JLSleather

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as JS stated i would use the 3/32" lace. I would use kangaroo for its durabilty and for its stregnth. You can get it from kevin at Springfield leather. He sells it in different colors ,size, and finishes

Edited by leatherman1457

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Thanks for the advice, it seems that I will need slightly narrower lace. @ 3/32"

How about the thickness? Is 1.0mm OK or will I need it thinner?



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You've hit on a question I'm guessing few have ever heard, or even thought about.

Calf lace is cut from about 2 oz skins, making it about 1/32", or .78 mm thick. But that's only the middle of the cross-section. Both edges of this are beveled, giving it a section a bit like the over-simplified attachment.

I've used lace that was NOT beveled, and while I think that has it's place, I think an elegant check cover isn't the place. You're looking at about 8- 8 1/2 yards for each cover.

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