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Howdy everyone,

First off I would like to say that I have been braiding for a few years (have yet to make the jump to rawhide) and had I stumbled upon this forum like I did tonight a little earlier, it would have helped alot lol.

I was looking around and saw that a few of you use Floral Tape for building your nose button and heel knot foundations and was wondering if this was the norm or if anyone used anything different. In talking with Gail Hought, she said that she uses book binding tape but it is hard to find and recommended using Tarp tape, which worked well but not really what I was looking for. Also, I saw that there were multiple recommendations on cores for romal reins, and I had attempted to find leather belting before, but couldn't find it in lengths more than like 8 ft, let alone a spool, so I thought maybe you could use a good and heavy hide cut to your target width and run it through a rounder (maybe after beveling the edges before hand) but most of the rounders I have seen don't actually cut the leather into a circle, rather just try to turn a square into a circle and smooth the corners out a bit. Last question, I think that I saw in one of Grant's books he said that you can use a steel core for a bosal. Have any of you done this and if so, what was the actual core (I know it isn't a solid piece of steel, but rather some type of steel rope).

Thanks for your time and any help you can give. These are just some questions I have had bouncing around in my head for a while and really glad to finally find some people willing to give some good advice.

Have a good one,


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Welcome Calvin,

For building up for knots I will use strips of leather, electrical tape, masking tape, or athletic tape. I mostly use athletic tape. As for the belting if you get in touch with some of the sewing machine supply folks around here they would be able to get you fixed up with the belting you are looking for. The steel core that is talked about would be a steel cable most likely galvaized or stainless steel. For folks like myself who are striving to make gear that is functional and attractive as well as hold to "traditional" methods. I will always use some type of leather or rawhide as a core in any gear I make. Particularly in bosals. One reason would be that it would be a difficult to shape a cable core bosal and get it to hold the desired form, which is extremely important to the function of that peice of gear. There are lots of options when looking to make a core from rawhide or leather. The one you mentioned using a rounder, using individual strips or rawhide of leather bundled together and braided over. A strip of twisted rawhide, the list can go on. The difference in cores is to provide a desired feel. Soft and floppy or stiff and rigid. Hope this inspires some more questions, we all get a chance to learn when someone asks.


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For the leather belting I've used Oregon leather (541)343-2563 I think their website is www.oregonleatherco.com if ya don't see it give them a holler. I've also seen some on ebay. I also use all the stuff Rob mentioned to build up my knots. I also agree with Rob on using leather or rawhide for a core in bosals and romel reins.

Best of luck, Mike

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I usually start the building of a knot foundation by tying a turk's head that is inserted into the strands. This forms an anchor point. Then build up from there. Add a little tape, add another turk's head, maybe more tape. Then the final knot over all that. Florist tape works well. Cloth type electrican's tape is also good.

Not an expert at bosals so I'll leave that alone.

Welcome to the list. Hullabaloo Caneck Caneck! Amen


TAMU '76

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Calvin, You can use all the things suggested for your buildups BUT do not ever use a metal core on a bosal or I'll have to send my uncle's monkey to teach you a lesson! The metal core bosal is a torture device and the horse does not deserve it!!! Anyway, I suggest trying all the different ways to see which one you like the most. Also, the very best thing you can do is to make something and use it. That way you understand the whyfores and theresomes about the gear you make and it will help you make fewer mistakes because you will see how your mistakes affect the fit, form and function of each piece of gear. While you can make some pieces of gear to experiment with you should only promote gear you actually use to lend some credibility to your work. There are lots of good braiders on here and you should get all the help you need but don't worry about messing up just keep making things! You'll improve

Vaya con Dios, Alan

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welcome...alan is right you dont want to use any type of metal in a bosal. i have a bosal i bought years ago (before i knew better) i has a core made of a heavy cable of some kind like power cable. it is horrible, cant be shaped, rubs the hair off horses jaw, is very heavy so doesnt hang right. i learned how to braid cuz a dog chewed the nose and heel buttons off of it. thats how i found out what was in it. it just hangs on my wall these days. on the use of a rounder---if you take a big enough bite of the shoulders of your strap with your edger and then use the rounder it will be pretty well round when done, rather than 4 sides it will have 8 sides befors being run thru rounder. sure would be easier to buy belting im thinking.

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Thanks for the help guys.


I have been braiding with mostly parachute cord for about 4 years now making jerk lines and neck ropes mostly and have made a few bosals out of old head ropes with paracord nose buttons, so I completely agree that function is more important than form and have always said that I want to make gear that is usable and will stand up to time, rather than sit on someones wall.


Thats funny, because I have a Red Heeler that felt the need to follow in the footsteps of your dog and eat the heel knot off a bosal I bought a few years ago, and I have yet to try and recover it. She really didnt bother the foundation much, but she did get into the ends of the strings that cover the core so I think I will have to do some major work on the foundation to recover it. The new heel knot might also be a bit larger but would look MUCH better than it does now lol.


Do you know what type of turk's head you use as your foundation knots? I still have yet to become even partially comfortable with understanding all of the different styles. Also, could you use the same principle with a Spanish Ring knot by passing the strand through the bosal to help anchor it in place? I use the Spanish Ring knot alot and feel really comfortable tying it is the only reason I ask and I wasnt sure if it would give you the real shape you need for make good, round Pineapple knots. There is nothing worse than finishing your Pineapple knot and realizing its not perfectly round.

I really appreciate the answers and enjoy reading though the posts everyone has put up here. It has really given me the motivation to make the jump from nylon to rawhide and leather.

Have a good one,


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