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I have been pretty unsuccessful searching the site for content. I have tried/read the Help and used the Advanced search but still can not find what I am after. Are there some tips or cheat sheet I can use in my searches.

Here is a search that did not work for me, but I know it is on the site. I am sure I have seen it word for word.


I also wanted to do a search for

hat patterns

But it brings back highlighted results of that

Thanks in advance.

  • Ambassador

HAT PATTERN IS NOT HERE. post what you want in the "wanted section" and mabey someone will contac you about it.

or mabey sell you one.

  • Members

I couldn't figure it out either, and noticed the same thing you did. The solution for me? Use Google's powerful "site:" search tool.

From Google, search with the following method:

"hat patterns" site:leatherworker.net

"search string" site:domain.com

This works with pretty much ANY website.

  • Ambassador

I've been here long enough that I'm embarrassed to admit I can't work this site's search feature, either. I use Particle's method. Here's a recent example: I was looking for information on Ron's edgers.

This site's search results contain a whole lot of unrelated links, with no apparent priority or organization, other than date of last post.

Here's the same result using Google:


Big difference. I wonder sometimes whether there's a better way to search using this site's internal search engine, but I haven't been able to figure it out yet.

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