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What type of tree would have been used in a Circle Y roping saddle (Sweet Home, Texas) about 10-15 years old? It isn't wood.



It sounds like your saddle has a Ralide plastic tree. They are injection molded.



I have seen several circle Y saddles (about that age) with Ralide Plastic trees. Many seem to be o.k. and not broken on the ends of the bars. The early ones I have seen seem to crack at nail holes at the front and rear bar ends. Maybe they use a different plastic now?


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The corporation Cow Country which produced and sold the brand Circle Y had three plants that produced saddles at different price points. If you could look under the seat and tell us what color the tree is we could give a better guess. If it was Black or Orange it is a Ralide. The black trees are the cheapest. If this is the case you should find a metal disclaimer plate on the skirt that essentially says that the saddle will work fine as long as you don't use it. If the tree is white color then it is fiberglassed covered and if it is brown or green then it likely rawhide covered.

David Genadek

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