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Maori Warrior Guitar Strap

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I started this about a fortnight ago and have at last go to a point that I can call completed. It was inpired by a strap that Tom Swede made, his Mosher one in fact. So thank you Tom you are inspiring people across the world with your work.

It's for a mate of mine who is an aircrewman in the Australian Navy. He's a Kiwi though, and has a close tie to his heritage. so I asked him what he'd like done. It took months for an answer and it was pretty lacklustre. Anyhow here it is.

It is based around Maori traditional colours Black and Red are Raven oil dyed where the White is acrylic painted. I have had a bugger of a time with leaching tannins through the white. But after a sealent and 4 coats it has settled down. The quality of the leather is poor and apart from the scars on it it is stiff and not receptive to the dye.

I'm 3000kms from the nearest Leather Craft store so i do with what I can. But i' love to know what the alternatives are for the products you folk often rever to in these forums.

Once again thanks Tom you've inspired me to produce this.

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Wow man! That is beautiful. I love how you tied it into some cultural heritage, just makes it very personal to your friend.



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post-15331-046418800 1284806700_thumb.jppost-15331-087411500 1284806773_thumb.jppost-15331-081645000 1284806776_thumb.jppost-15331-032099100 1284806778_thumb.jppost-15331-077011200 1284806779_thumb.jppost-15331-026504900 1284806781_thumb.jppost-15331-084133200 1284806782_thumb.jppost-15331-041065600 1284806784_thumb.jppost-15331-041065600 1284806784_thumb.jppost-15331-030948800 1284806787_thumb.jppost-15331-091261400 1284806785_thumb.jp

I started this about a fortnight ago and have at last go to a point that I can call completed. It was inpired by a strap that Tom Swede made, his Mosher one in fact. So thank you Tom you are inspiring people across the world with your work.

It's for a mate of mine who is an aircrewman in the Australian Navy. He's a Kiwi though, and has a close tie to his heritage. so I asked him what he'd like done. It took months for an answer and it was pretty lacklustre. Anyhow here it is.

It is based around Maori traditional colours Black and Red are Raven oil dyed where the White is acrylic painted. I have had a bugger of a time with leaching tannins through the white. But after a sealent and 4 coats it has settled down. The quality of the leather is poor and apart from the scars on it it is stiff and not receptive to the dye.

I'm 3000kms from the nearest Leather Craft store so i do with what I can. But i' love to know what the alternatives are for the products you folk often rever to in these forums.

Once again thanks Tom you've inspired me to produce this.

I like it! The colors really make it stand out. specool.gif

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Thanks for your appreciation guys!

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Hey, better late than never ...I hope! That looks really great especially considering the poor and scarred leather you have to settle with.

I love using ancestral or cultural heritage in my art and maybe I will come back to that now that things are taking shape aroundthe businessand I have more input over the designs.

Seeing the strap adjustment on another strap was especially nice, it does look great alltough on the fly adjustment is not a term for it ;-)

I hope you keep up the good work and get your hands on more leather!

VBest regards from Sweden!!


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Oh and thanks for all the kind words:-)

Much respect!!!

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