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Pulling Stitches Up

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Well usually i can figure a problem out on my machines. but this one just keeps being a pita n im at witts end. I dont use this machine much but when i do I want it to stictch right. well it will stitch good for a little bit then pulls up the bottom stitch for a couple stitches then stitches good again. ive been working on the tension but seems like the shuttle/bobbin goes loose then its good again. im not sure what to do any more. its a neels machine n i found another person who has one n it does same thing. so anyone got ideas. Bronc/Bonnie

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Bonnie, I don't have any experience with that machine, but I'm getting some of the same thing with my Boss. I got the machine from Frank (on here) and he told me to keep an eye on the tension of the thread coming off the spool. Sure enough, as long as I have a little slack heading into the mechanical tensioners, it stitches great. As soon as I run out of slack, it starts pulling threads to the top. What's that got to do with you? When you see the threads pulling up, see if the thread is under additional tension as it comes off the spool.

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I watched the thread n its not tight so not sure what it is. still putzing with it. thanks.

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Well there can be a few different things that can cause this & one is like Twinoaks says some brands of threads stick to the spool as they come off & will cause problems like this,I've actually noticed the thread from the thread stand to the machine tighten up while sewing #3on the thread stand is the hooks above directly in line with the spool?if not that'll cause this too.#3are you threading around the 2nd tension 11/2x? this can cause intermitant tension,#4 bobbin case spring sometimeswill buildup with lint from the thread & needs to be taken apart & cleaned.#5 maybe this spring has been overtightened & ruined & needs to be replaced.



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