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Recently discovered your site and thus far very impressed.

My interests include Fly fishing, Fly tying and making Flyrods.

Very active in the American Mountainmen (AMM), thus my interest in Leather working.

Presently making Shooting Bags and various other small accouterments used by the mountainmen during the 1825-1840 period which I sell through various forums and at local rendezvous.

Retired 5 years ago after 36 years in Law Enforcement and started getting more into leather work. Decided to start making my own woven straps so purchased an Inkle Loom and now make sashs and bag straps that I put on my bags.

The bottom line is I love being retired and doing what I want when I want. (Just not enough $$$)

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:welcome: Glad you found us, cutfingers, we look forward to seeing your work and participation in the forum.


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Recently discovered your site and thus far very impressed.

My interests include Fly fishing, Fly tying and making Flyrods.

Very active in the American Mountainmen (AMM), thus my interest in Leather working.

Presently making Shooting Bags and various other small accouterments used by the mountainmen during the 1825-1840 period which I sell through various forums and at local rendezvous.

Retired 5 years ago after 36 years in Law Enforcement and started getting more into leather work. Decided to start making my own woven straps so purchased an Inkle Loom and now make sashs and bag straps that I put on my bags.

The bottom line is I love being retired and doing what I want when I want. (Just not enough $$$)

Welcome Cutfingers, have a seat, we'll Boil some coffee and Jawbone fer a spell.

glad you found us. you'll like the doings here..........

Edited by Luke Hatley

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Welcome to Leatherworker.net.

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