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Fetish Dragon Helm

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This armor set will have some fetish influences. Sort of a fetish armor hybrid you could say.

Made completely from leather.

Real Blesbok horns.

Although not very obvious from this photo, there is a full face mask, thats molded to look like, well, a face.

The rest of the armor will follow suit in a similar fashion. I expect to be done by late Janurary 2011


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WOW!!! Very nice!

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That is the nicest mask i have ever seen. The colors are great and i really like the way you blended them where their are two different colors. Only thing i see wrong with it is that you need more pictures. :yes:

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wow, WOW, WOW:jawdropper: THATS amazing.

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I'd like to request this thread be deleted. My client wishes to debut the armor their self when it is finished. Pics will likely come again after that time : )


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