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It looks like some kind of weird metal baby bird. It's a clamp of some kind i think. You move the weight for more holding power i guess. Not sure what it was / is used for outside of a clamp. But you have that already figured out i guess.

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Can anyone tell me what this is? Is it used in leartherwork? :)

It came with a lot of other tools, and I don't have a clue.. :)

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Its a Strap clamp. The one I saw years ago was used for rubbing and or shaving Rounded / Rolled Traces and the like. It was faster to use than the Spring loaded type as it is easier to open to change work. The back facing teeth on the bottom gripped the leather item by the end, so you could use a Spoke shave to shave the bumps off then rub up and burnish the item after putting it through the Rounder. A handy tool for reins and the like.

Kindest Regards.

Jim Saddler.

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Thank you, dirtclod and Jim!

Jim, what is "Rounded / Rolled Traces", "spoke shave" and a "rounder"? :head_hurts_kr:

English is not my native language..



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Traces are the part of a harness that connect the horse to the load (usually via the breastcollar or hames). "Rolled" means they are round instead of flat.

A spokeshave is a tool with a blade in the middle and handles on each side. The name refers to it's use in shaving wood to make the spokes for a wagon wheel. In this case, the same type tool is being used to trim the leather.

I'm not familiar with harness making, but worked horses on a farm when I was a kid. If I understand what Jim was explaining, this tool would be handy for making various harness parts because you could hold part of the leather and do your work, then quickly move on down the rein or trace or whatever and work the next section.

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Traces are the part of a harness that connect the horse to the load (usually via the breastcollar or hames). "Rolled" means they are round instead of flat.

A spokeshave is a tool with a blade in the middle and handles on each side. The name refers to it's use in shaving wood to make the spokes for a wagon wheel. In this case, the same type tool is being used to trim the leather.

I'm not familiar with harness making, but worked horses on a farm when I was a kid. If I understand what Jim was explaining, this tool would be handy for making various harness parts because you could hold part of the leather and do your work, then quickly move on down the rein or trace or whatever and work the next section.

Thank you, Texas!

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