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Able 290 Patcher

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A friend pointed me at this today ABLE 290 boot patcher

I think it looks like someone in China got their hands on an 1800s Bradbury or something and tried to reproduce it.

Has anyone ever seen one in the wild?

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..100 on order, wonder what they go for.. any idea? it could be useful I'm sure.

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I think that person's selling them for AU$295.

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Yeah, they are a rough and ready little beastie. The first 100 are all but gone and another 170 are on the way along with a couple of other variations including a post bed and one with a larger shuttle.

Mostly I sell them to people to repair horse rugs although a number of leatherworkers are using them.


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Just stumbled across this machine today. Looking to make barel bags with oil tanned utility leather about 5-7oz thick. Does anyone have experience with this machine? Could it handle leather like this?

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