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You don't say if you are hand sewing or have a machine. I would suggest 348 thread for holster work. A # 25 needle on machine and a #0 egg eye needle for hand sewing would be my choise. If hand sewing use waxed thread.

Edited by Randy Cornelius

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I am going to attemp to make a holster, and am wondering if I should use waxed or unwaxed thread, and also what size needle, thanks.

I use #1 darner needles with a 7-cord Irish waxed linen thread and an Osborne medium-sized awl. I prefer the waxed linen thread because I like the look and I like the larger size on heavier items like belts and holsters. I also like the idea that linen is a natural thread and it kind of goes along with the theme of handmade items made with all natural materials. I get my needles from Colonial Needle and thread from Royalwood, Ltd.

If you have a Tandy near by, get a roll of their waxed linen thread and some of the egg eye needles they sell. The needles are a little large, but they are fine for when you are just beginning to learn to sew. I still use the large needles and Tandy thread on some of my projects. Also, get the Stohlman book on hand sewing while you are at it. It is an invaluable guide when first starting out.

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