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Travis Fry

Knife Sheath

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I make knives, and making sheaths was how I got into leather work. Here is a picture that has my most recent of both.

Travis Fry


Excellent work.


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Very nice knife and sheath.

I looked at your web site, but no where did I see any info regarding your knife pricing.

Would you care to offer a price range for those of us that appreciate a true working knife, and happen to like your style?



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I left the pricing off for a reason. There are so many variables that affect price (type of steel, handle material, guards, etc) it's difficult to say without specific details. That said, they usually go between $150 and $250, depending on the details. I'm not currently taking orders because I simply don't have a lot of spare time right now, but I can put you on the email list for early dibs at whatever I come up with. I appreciate your asking.

Travis Fry

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I like the stars in the corners. Small details add up to a nice package.

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