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Hello all. I'm new to this site, I stumbled upon it while looking for something (can't remember what exactly) and I gotta say I'm glad I did. It appears to be a fantastic resource!

I've been working with leather for several years now, starting out repairing tack and the like. Two years ago I started making chinks and selling to friends and local tack shops, made a few sets of buckin rolls and a set of cuffs for a buddy of mine. Well - this winter I decided to try braiding. I got BGs encyclopedia and started working on it. I had visions of many late winter nights, braiding up a storm making bosals, reatas, maybe a couple of hobbles. What I found out is that it's a little more difficult than it appears - and I now have a whole new vocabulary of made up swear words! :censored2:

I have been cutting my own strings out of scrap rawhide I get from local Tandy, but am currently working on making my own from the hide I saved from a steer. Also have been doing a lot of practice with plastic lace to get the THs and such down.

Also - quick question - has anyone worked with rawhide made from goat hide? I recently found a source to get my hands on a few per week.

So far I have seen some great work on here, I hope to be able to contribute and of course learn a lot!

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welcome to lw.net yes this is a fantastic resource and the folks on here are always helpful and willing to share their knowledge.

i bought some goat a few months ago....its ok, thin and stretches more than cow i think but good for knots and stuff...works well for fidwork projects.

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welcome to lw.net yes this is a fantastic resource and the folks on here are always helpful and willing to share their knowledge.

i bought some goat a few months ago....its ok, thin and stretches more than cow i think but good for knots and stuff...works well for fidwork projects.

Thanks roo.

That's kind of what I figured it would be like. I'll give it a shot. I found out the guy has simply been putting his hides in the burn barrel, so I'm on call for when he slaughters again.

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free stuff is always good

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I'd like to see how that goat hide works out for you. I've seen some really nice stuff made out of goat hide. If you get a chance will you post some pictures some time, I'd like to see how it does. I was told once that most goat hide braider's use straight strips rather than cutting spirals. Don't have a clue if it's better or not, never done it, although I'd like to try it some time.


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hella ya'll

well i have personally made only a few items with goat mostly some bracelets and a handle with some fid work but let me tell you. goat does stretch a bit if you put too much moisture in it. i figured out that for me cutting lace from straps (like it was mentioned before) is a little better especially if you have a consistent one. another thing is that i statrt out with fairly dry lace and working up some soap lather and putting it on the lace as i work with it made it less stretchy because it avoided over soaking. when i made a braid with it i used the same technique and later rolled it out. stay away from bleached goat hide cause it looses a lot of strength. bueno thats it for now take care and happy braiding.

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Thanks wantmore and lilpep.

I just found out I could get the goat hides this past Saturday so hopefuly he calls me soon. As soon as I get it and process it I will post some pics and let you all know. That's interesting that its cut out of strait strips, but it makes sense if it stretches that much.

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you dont have to cut from stripps it can be cut from rounds but stripps just seems easier for me. the spine should be abit thicker than the sides it just depends what you want the lace for. but over all its pretty thin compared to other hides.

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hella ya'll

well i have personally made only a few items with goat mostly some bracelets and a handle with some fid work but let me tell you. goat does stretch a bit if you put too much moisture in it. i figured out that for me cutting lace from straps (like it was mentioned before) is a little better especially if you have a consistent one. another thing is that i statrt out with fairly dry lace and working up some soap lather and putting it on the lace as i work with it made it less stretchy because it avoided over soaking. when i made a braid with it i used the same technique and later rolled it out. stay away from bleached goat hide cause it looses a lot of strength. bueno thats it for now take care and happy braiding.

lilpep------Wow what a great video tutorial you did on fidwork....watched it last night....Buddy keep up the good work and the tutorials coming....Must see for everyone...

Adios from Texas.......JCM

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thanks JCM !!

i guess i should change my location. i'm in El paso

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