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brass eyelets or grommets

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hi all.

im looking for some brass eyelets or grommets. I would like the inside diameter (ID) to be approx 1/4" and the grip to be around 1/4" thickness.

if you know of anything or anyone that may have these i would appreciate the info.


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That would be a 6mm eyelet or a #0 grommet. I don't have any of the 6mm eyelets, 5.5 is as big as I have, #0 grommets are pretty common. I get them from Weaver. A canvas shop in your area might have them also.


hi all.

im looking for some brass eyelets or grommets. I would like the inside diameter (ID) to be approx 1/4" and the grip to be around 1/4" thickness.

if you know of anything or anyone that may have these i would appreciate the info.


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Hi TIA,That would be a 6mm eyelet or a #0 grommet. I don't have any of the 6mm eyelets, 5.5 is as big as I have, #0 grommets are pretty common. I get them from Weaver. A canvas shop in your area might have them also.Art


TIA = Thanks In Advance

Edited by $$hobby

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thank you all for your replies,

but the ID isnt the problem. im looking for a grommet/eyelet that will hold approx 1/4" of leather, but with the small ID.

the ones i have will only do a couple layers of canvas or equivalent.....

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although i am not in search of the same piece of hardware, i certainly share your frustration regarding these little bits of hardware. for example, why does weaver leather sell 4.5, 5, and 6mm eyelets and no tool with which to set them? am i supposed to make this tool? is there some obvious alternative? i'll be using grommets to solve my current problem, but i wish there was some way to incorporate all these different little bits(i.e. pyramid-shaped spots, instead of the usual round ones) into future projects that will ultimately be 'really special' rather than maybe 'just a little different.'

i guess "hobbyists" aren't supposed to concern themselves with things like this. we have to make do with what's available unless we want to have china pump out a billion pieces for us.

does anybody have any hardware suggestions besides weaver and ohiotravelbag and tandy?


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