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Ending The Triple Stitch With The Starting Point

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I'm not getting how to meet the ending lace with the starting point. I have a lacing instruction book. I've went step by step. Mine doesn't look right. I'm also worried about it being secure. Is there an easier way?

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I can show you........But i sure cain't explain it.......sorry

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I'm not getting how to meet the ending lace with the starting point. I have a lacing instruction book. I've went step by step. Mine doesn't look right. I'm also worried about it being secure. Is there an easier way?

In a word "NOPE"

If your doing a piece with multiple layers its really quite easy once you understand the sequence, the hardest part is getting the tension on the last stich right before you cut the tail off and tuck it in. And when you pull the first loop out of the first stitch try not to make it to big or it is hard to tighten. I leave a fairly long tail at the beginning just for that reason. If you go under at least three of the bites of the starting stiches with youor ending tail there is almost no way for it to come undone. I'm still trying to figure out how to do the same thing on single layer so I feel your pain.

Go to Kingmere crafts website and he did a couple of really good tutorials on lacing, plus if you dont have it you should get the book Lacing and stitching for leathercraft it has big pictures that are a little easier to follow. I got mine at Tandy for about five bucks. Maybe one day someone will make a good picture or video tutorial on this subject.

Hope this helps a little.



Edited by bkingery

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On single layer or even two layer where on is just a liner, I will start and end the lace in the loop rather than the bite in the leather. This allows me to run the tail under the run of loops on the edge surface. I will run one tail in one direction and the other tail in the opposite direction. I hope this makes sense.


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