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does anyone know where to find instructions for a pasador knot...a type of sliding knot...

Thanks JCM

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well i googled it and found a reference and picture...just looks like a long gaucho knot to me...

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just my two cents

i am fluent in spanish and a "pasador" knot is not really a type of knot. it is a term used by Argentine braiders to describe a long cylindrical knot. it is basically a long turks head most often with a gaucho intewieve but not always. as long as you can tie a long turks head and you basically tied a "passador". it was originally meant to be a sliding knot in traditional argentine tack. a long turks head can be interwoven with a gaucho pattern following the rules of a basic 5x4 turks head gaucho knot as described by Bruce grant but in the last pass it will have an incomplete pattern. i would recommend the argentine book Trenzas gauchas available on amazon.com. the book has a "barquero" knot which is a passador the only thing is that if you dont understand spanish it will be hard to understand. i would also recommend learning how to tie a long turks head liek bruce grant describes with an even number of bits and putting a herring bone interweave this would be a "passador pluma" pluma describes the way the pattern ressembles a feather.

sorry i dont have a tutorial. hope this helps to clear up what a pasador is, a long sliding knot.

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