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Very nice design. It looks like the sun rising out of the holster.

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You sure do some nice work KT

I have a few questions if you have some time.

How long does it take to complete on like this also what sewing machine do you use?

Do you make your own design's?

How do you market your work?

I see your work on a few knife forums is that how you got started?

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Thanks Rhide and Whiteeugene. To answer your ? the rig you see takes about 30 hours. I have no machine. I sew it all by hand. The designs and patterns are all my own. Never have I bought one. I dont market my work/ I just do it for fun. I have only sold a few on certain occations when some one wanted one for in a parade or some thing special. I made a few for sale to people who hung them in there office or studies. I have done some barters for fancy knifes with big name makers. I started 5 years ago in my garage for something to do. Never had a lesson. No CDs Still learning. I'm 69 years old. I have about 75 rigs, 80 knifes and hawks etc and 200 guns in my collection in my display room. Hope this helps. KT

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Thanks Rhide and Whiteeugene. To answer your ? the rig you see takes about 30 hours. I have no machine. I sew it all by hand. The designs and patterns are all my own. Never have I bought one. I dont market my work/ I just do it for fun. I have only sold a few on certain occations when some one wanted one for in a parade or some thing special. I made a few for sale to people who hung them in there office or studies. I have done some barters for fancy knifes with big name makers. I started 5 years ago in my garage for something to do. Never had a lesson. No CDs Still learning. I'm 69 years old. I have about 75 rigs, 80 knifes and hawks etc and 200 guns in my collection in my display room. Hope this helps. KT

Thanks for the info you must have some good strong hands and elbows if I stitch for over an hour I can’t close my hands the next day. That’s a lot of hand stitching. You do great work.

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