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Making Evergreen (Spuce) Type Trees In Leather?

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I am looking at some mountain scenes carved into leather and need some advice on how to go about carving realistic looking evergreens in leather. What tools does one use to create the look of trees or tree branches?

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You need a copy of Al Stohlman book: Pictorial Carving Finesse.

This book has many different types of trees and bushes with tool selection and how to use them. The book was written some time ago so there may be some tools shown that are not available anymore. There is almost always a good substitute though.


I am looking at some mountain scenes carved into leather and need some advice on how to go about carving realistic looking evergreens in leather. What tools does one use to create the look of trees or tree branches?

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I have never seen a 'doodle page' in the flesh...

Do they give proper instructions on 'how to'?

eg. http://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/p-750-trees-bushes-foliage-by-al-stohlman-series-1b-page-12.aspx was one I was eyeing up as I want to create better plant life myself.


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I downloaded a couple of the doodle pages. I remember some of them many years ago were very enlightening. Unfortunately, the ones I have seen are not so.

The book I mentioned above is still the best $15 you will ever spend.



I have never seen a 'doodle page' in the flesh...

Do they give proper instructions on 'how to'?

eg. http://www.leathercr...1b-page-12.aspx was one I was eyeing up as I want to create better plant life myself.


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Get Al Stohlman's Pictorial Carving Finnesse, good if not the best source for trees and other things, wore out my first copy, got another one just weeks ago.

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I too vote for Pictorial Carving Finesse, it's a great book to learn how to make the trees. There are great examples of all sorts of trees that I want to try, just haven't had time. Regarding the tools, Tandy did just discontinue some of the figure carving tools, mainly some of the foilage tools, but you can get the same kinds of tools from Robert Beard. He has a very large line of figure carving tools, and they are excellent but pricey and you may have to wait a while for him to make them. I have one of his figure bevelers and a set of tools for making small (distant) Spruce trees that works great. Otherwise, you can usually find the vintage craftool foliage tools on ebay.

Hope this helps,


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