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Just received an order from a gentleman who, as a young policeman, knew Roy Baker personally and had several holsters made by Roy. He advised me that Roy had once asked him to try out a new holster design he was working on, a simple holster made from two flat panels of leather stitched together around the outline of the weapon, with 3 belt slots to permit strong-side or cross-draw use.

This sounds to me like the prototype for "Roy's Pancakes", one of the most successful (and copied) innovations in concealed carry holsters ever.

Another forum member, Eaglestroker, has told me that his grandfather also knew Roy Baker personally. Eaglestroker's first efforts in holster-making caught my eye because of the close similarities to Roy Baker's work (not a bad place to start in this business, I think).

Roy Baker continues to have an impact on the business, long after he produced his legendary achievement with "Roy's Pancakes". Everyone who has ever made a pancake-style holster owes tribute to Roy Baker.

This customer was also a parachute rigger about the same time I was a paratrooper and Pathfinder in the US Army, so our paths may have been crossing for the past 40 years or so.

Interesting little world.

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That's really neat Lobo. I wonder if he still has that holster. Thing would belong in a holster museum. Since you've made an inovation of your own to the pancake, you should make him one of your "enhanced pancakes" and say, "Hey, try out this new holster design I've been working on."

Colt Hammerless

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I have a lot of Roy Baker rigs, and a lot of custom rigs from Roy. Don't think anything could compare to 'the original.' As my grandfather put it to me: "Everything after the first is just a copy."

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That's really cool. The older I get the more I find interest in the history of all things. But particularly things I have great interest in.

Thanks for the post.


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Eaglestroker - have you posted pics of these Roy Baker works of art?

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Matt, I don't have pictures of a lot of the pieces. I'm not sure where to share them but I do have pictures of one particularly wild dual 1911 shoulder holster he made for my grandfather.

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Eagle - this is the perfect forum. If you feel so inclined I think I speak for many of us here that we would love for you to post pictures right here.

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