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Questions About A Vest

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So I have the pattern to make a vest but I have no idea where to begin. Id love to hand tool a large phoenix on the back of the vest but I don't know if I can use veg tanned leather for a vest, and if I do would it even be comfortable? Also I can't afford a sewing machine (the one I have is yet untested on leather and is like a day older than dirt). So how would I go about hand sewing this? Any hdlp would be greatly appreciated.


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So I have the pattern to make a vest but I have no idea where to begin. Id love to hand tool a large phoenix on the back of the vest but I don't know if I can use veg tanned leather for a vest, and if I do would it even be comfortable? Also I can't afford a sewing machine (the one I have is yet untested on leather and is like a day older than dirt). So how would I go about hand sewing this? Any hdlp would be greatly appreciated.


Hey Chris...

There is no way that I know making a vest out of veg tan....exept maybe the new super soft stuff from Springfields....but might not tool well at all!!

So I would make my vest nicely out of chrome tan and then make me a application out of a cut-out of veg tan....about 3-4 oz max...this will tool nice and you have any desigh you want...make it black and it will match ur vest assuming your vest is black to begin with......works tan on tan or tan on black...will look very sharp...gives that vest a custom look for shure....stitching can be bold and decorative or small undetectable fine 69 thread,,,

Hand sewing the outline is not that big of a deaL.....The chrome tan and the 3-4 oz veg tan....should be easy able to be sewn ob a Singer 31 or 16 something...I got an extra Singer 188 and it would sew this just fine...what "old dirt" machine u got...?

Keep us posted and let us know how you tackle this vest...



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Unfortunately, there are about as many designs of vests as there are people wearing them. I have 3 black, 1 brown, 1 grey, 1 blue, . . . and they all fit differently.

My black Wilson is the best fit. That is why I am suggesting that the first thing you need to do is go to a thrift store (Salvation Army, . . . or something like that) and there you should be able to try on 10 to 100 vests. One of them may fit you the way you like it.

Buy it, . . . take it home, . . . take it apart, . . . BINGO, . . . you have a perfect pattern, . . . and if you like, . . . you also have the lining.

If you don't want to do that, . . . for a more "Harley" look, . . . you can buy a bag of Tandy rivets, . . . punch and rivet the pieces together.

If you want a more "Buckskin" look, . . . punch and lace it together. There are a number of "Buckskinning" books on the market. Punch and lace is Brownie scout easy.

Cutting the sleeves off a Levi jacket also produces a neat vest, . . . one you could use as the liner, . . . hand sewing around the edges, . . . covering it with garment leather.

Good luck, . . . may God bless,


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